These two hard boiled eggs may not look too bad but they sure do smell bad. Ok, so they may have gone off last week and I'm only getting around to chucking them this week. That means they don't really count for this week right? They do? Oh well, it was worth a try. A problem that I occasionally have is that my eating interests can change suddenly and drastically. For a couple months my afternoon snack consisted of a hard boiled egg and some veggies. As of a couple weeks ago that changed to veggies and hummus, I just wasn't interested in the eggs anymore. Guess I'm going to have to pay more attention to my "food swings" so that no more food stuff falls victim to microscopic organisms.

I guess it could be worse. I wasted less then $2 worth of food. I am going to have to pay attention this weekend though, I have a number of leftovers in the fridge that need to be eaten. Does anybody with teenage boys want to send them to my house?
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