
Welcome to The Road Not Chosen!  

For those who wish to know what box my blog falls into this is primarily a personal finance blog.  For those of you who, like me, find boxes to be somewhat constraining this is a blog in which you will find posts on finances, philosophy, environmental and social stewart ship, as well as the occasional post that has absolutely nothing to do with anything else.  I hope that you enjoy your look around.

Who Is This Crazy Author?

I am a 20 something nurse living and working in small town Canada.  I am passionate about helping others and a multitude of other subjects, including personal finances.  This blog was created following two things.  First, the utter rewriting of my life plans following an accident that changed the career path I had been hell-bent on following since I was a young teen.  Second, the aggravating frustration that I felt while reading personal finance blogs and having trouble finding one that addressed people who have never had debt.

While I don't expect anyone to completely agree with how I choose to view the world, I frequently get the impression that I see it in a way that is as strange to the masses as their view is to me.  This blog will hopefully provide a sense of what is, I believe, a perfectly reasonable way to view the world.