Monday, 24 June 2013

Every one need superhero's . . . Even bloggers

No, I'm not talking about a guy in tights and a red cape, I am talking about an idol.  You know, the person either real or fictional who embodies a set of ideals that you wish to live up too.  That sort of hero.  I have recently found a financial superhero who embodies what I find to be the highest level of financial thinking and commitment to common sense principals.  His name is Mr. Money Mustache.

As you can see by the link above he runs his own blog, which a ran across a couple of months ago.  At first I was blown away by the fact that I had finally found a personal finance blog that wasn't all about getting out of debt. Instead it was about a philosophy of money that is shockingly close to my own.  I read the entire backlog of articles in a couple of months and would frequently find myself smiling and nodding to myself at what I was reading, it just made so much sense.  It's well researched, well written and funny to boot.

That said I believe that I can say with confidence that I am a Mustachian through and through, even when I didn't know it.  Reading about the MMM family I can look forward to what my life could very well look like in as little as 10 to 17 years.

I am a Mustachian, I am proud of it, and I am on the road to financial freedom!  (Hope to see you along the way.)

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