Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Four Ideas for Free (or Cheap) Fun

People are generally surprised by how little I spend to entertain myself.  I must admit that it is partially due to my natural interests, but on the other hand it is easy to find something interesting to do if you start looking for it, so if you're looking for cheap fun maybe it's time to broaden your horizons.  What do I do for fun and how much does it cost? 


Probably my favorite activity in the world, thanks to a childhood filled with frequent trips to the local library.  I read so much that I rarely buy books (why’s that you ask?) the reality is if I bought every book that I wanted to read I wouldn’t have an inch of space left in my house; and as a result I would never be able to find the book I want.  A book has to be really special to earn a place on my book shelf, either by one of my three favorite authors or borrowed from the library a minimum of three times in two years.  All of my reading material pretty much comes from the library. 

Cost:  Property taxes, which I have to pay anyways. 

Sewing/Cross Stitch/Embroidery/Quilting . . .

I know that the set up costs for these can be steep, but most of my tools are hand me downs or presents.  The materials to continue the work can also be pricy so I have to watch what I’m spending.  That said the projects also last quite a while.  For example the cross stitch that I’m almost done I’ve been working on for 7 and a half years (or 90 months).  If I had bought it myself (it was a gift) it would have cost me about $40. 

Cost: About $0.44 a week ($40 / 90 months = $0.44) depending on the project. 


I write a lot.  Recently a lot of it has been for my blog (fun and helpful for others!)  I also dabble in poetry (in other words I scribble verses that some times rhyme, but hey as long as I’m amused and no one else is suffering.)  On top of all that I’m working seriously on writing a young adult novel (other stories are simmering in the back of my mind, my biggest challenge is working on one at a time.)

Cost:  Ummmmm, electricity for my computer . . . mostly I use scrap paper when I’m writing with pen or pencil so the cost is negligible.  The biggest expense for my writing so far will be a $44 conference that I’m planning on attending in March, but this will be the first time I attend a conference and they will probably be few and far between. 


When I lived in the big city I could go to one a week for free if I wanted to.  It was great and definitely expanded my cultural horizons.  Add to that the free out door plays and concerts put on during the summer and I was out every weekend.  This is a bit season specific but lots of cities in the great white north do some sort of winter festival.  I can’t wait to start discovering what there is to do in my new town (it’s a tourist town so there should be a bit to do.) 

Cost: Free (unless you decide to splurge on sweets or toss a donation in when they hand around the hat.)  

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