Usually I keep them in the fridge so that I can get through at 10 pounds before they go. But when I got my room mate a couple of months ago they go moved out and I forgot to put them back. Lesson learned!
Man that was a fast month, it's kind of all a fuzzy happy daze!
- Set up RRSP investments with my return of value pension from the military and contribute $359 a month for the year, along with any tax refunds. CHECK [I've got my eye on the clock waiting to make my next RRSP contribution, sometimes time goes sooo sloooow.]
- Pay off house in 5 years. I should be able to accomplish this by doubling up every payment and paying a 10% lump sum every year. CHECK [I've hit 33.3% ownership, one whole third of the house is mine.]
-Start Masters of Science / Masters of Science in Nursing in the fall. CHECK [I’m as ready as I'll every be for the start next tuesday.]
-Join two new clubs in the local area. CHECK [Actually surpassed this a little, I'm now in two writers group and quilting is about to start again.]
-Have my novel accepted to be published. I plan to have it ready by the end of the month (January), so I can start sending it out. CHECK [It's been sent to another couple agents, I start waiting again.]
-Become a respite foster parent. CHECK [PRIDE is done and I'm waiting for my social worker to come back from vacation to finish my homestudy.]
-Take a big backpacking trip solo. [This goal got trashed, instead I had a blast up at my grandparent's cottage.]
-Finish my current crafting projects. NOPE [Yeah, I haven't touched a needle in 2 months.]
A respectful 86% this month. September's going to have a lot of changes so I'm not to bothered about doing all my goals equally. At the moment I'm just going to concentrate on getting on an even footing for my masters and diving into foster parenting.